Google Classroom

We successfully implemented and used Google classroom to facilitate learning during the Covid-19 Lockdown and have decided that we will continue to use it as a tool to send homework and work for children that are isolating or not in school due to Covid related illness.   

Using Google Classroom allows you and your child to have access to school work at any time through the Internet and is accessible online and through any mobile devices with Internet capabilities—including iPhone, iPad and Android devices.  It is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information. 

Children will be given a login for classroom when they join St Andrew’s Benn.  At the end of each academic year, children will be asked to join their new classrooms.

If you are struggling to log in, please contact Mrs Gurney in the office on  She will be able to reset your passwords and help with usernames and class codes.

Please find below a slide show with instructions on how to use it.

2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom

User Guide for Google Classroom


How to upload work to Google Classroom

How to complete classwork in Google Classroom.pdf

Google Meet Protocol

Google Meet protocol.pdf

Translating Google Classroom and Work

Parents guide to translating Google Classroom.pdf