Sunshine Room 2024 - 2025
Mrs Copeland
Miss Elliott
Miss Cooper
Welcome to the Sunshine Room
The Sunshine Room is a Resource Provision based within St Andrew’s Benn C of E VA Primary School which enables children to attend a mainstream school whilst also accessing specialist provision. Children who attend the Sunshine Room have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), with their main area of need being Communication and Interaction, including children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions. Placements in the Sunshine Room are agreed by the Local Authority Provision Panel.
At St Andrew’s Benn C of E VA Primary School, we are committed to ensuring all children receive every opportunity to thrive and achieve all of which they are capable. We are a fully inclusive school, and children in the Sunshine Room are a part of our school family. They are supported with a highly personalised and individual curriculum, based on targets from their EHCPs. The curriculum is adapted and developed with the needs and preferences of each child in mind, thus ensuring they are able to progress on a timescale appropriate to them. Children are taught through a mixture of child-led and adult directed activities, incorporating play, exploration, sensory development and targeted tasks.
There will be a maximum of eight children in the Sunshine Room, supported by our teacher, Mrs Jo Copeland, and our support staff, Miss Elliott and Mrs Cooper. We have our own outside area and sensory room, where children are able to develop their talents and feel valued, motivated and a part of our school family.
We are excited to be providing this provision for the children of Warwickshire with the support of the Local Authority. For more information on Warwickshire Resourced Provision and information about the county admission process, please click on the link below.
Summer Term
This half term, we are focussing on food. We are reading books based around food, such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and will be tasting, making and exploring a range of different foods. Each week, we will be learning two different Makaton symbols and will then be repeating these throughout the term to help us with our communication. This half term, we will be learning:We will also continue to focus on life skills such as how to wash our hands independently and how to put on and take off our coats and jumpers.Please come and speak to us if you have any questions.
Spring Term
Next half term, we will be focussing our learning about nature and woods, looking at different animals and plants which can be found in our local environment and further afield. We will be reading Jack and the Beanstalk as our traditional tale, as well as other books based on our topic. We will be continuing to focus on working with others, both children and adults, and following simple instructions. We will also be trying different sensory based activities to expand the tasks we enjoy and will take part in. If you have any old clothes which you would like to send into school for your child to wear while painting or doing other messy tasks, please let us know.
For the remainder of this term, we will be looking at counting and representing numbers up to 5. One of the ways we will be doing this is through using nursery rhymes which use these numbers. We have attached the three main nursery rhymes we will be using in school. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you!
Five little speckled frogs
Five little speckled frogs. An animated version of the popular children's nursery rhyme 'Five little speckled frogs' with lyrics.
Five little ducks went swimming one day
Five little ducks. An animated version of the popular children's nursery rhyme 'Five little ducks went swimming one day' with lyrics.
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. An animated version of the popular children's nursery rhyme 'Five little monkeys jumping on the bed' with lyrics.
Nursery Rhymes
Five currant buns. An animated version of the popular children's nursery rhyme with lyrics.
We have been learning Jingle Bells and using some of the Makaton signs to help us. The video we are using is on the BBC website if you would like to watch it at home too!
Autumn Term
Files to Download
Sunshine Room: News items
Nut Free School, by Miss Gurney
When does my child do PE?, by Miss Gurney