General Data Protection Regulations

On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. This replaced the Data Protection Act 1998 and is intended to improve the safety and security of personal data held by organisations, and make sure that people understand what information is held about them and why.

We have always taken great care of the personal information we hold about pupils and parents, but the new law means that we are taking some further steps, and we want to tell you about these

Firstly, you should be aware that you have a number of rights under the GDPR. You have the right to:

  • Be informed about how we use your personal data.

  • Request access to the personal data that we hold.

  • Request that your personal data is amended if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Ask us to erase your personal data if there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.

  • Request that the processing of your data is restricted.

  • Object to your personal data being processed.

On our website you will find our new privacy notice for pupils and parents, which explains in detail what personal data we hold, why we hold it and who we share it with. This also provides details of our Data Protection Officer (DPO) [] who provides us with advice on compliance with GDPR and our data protection obligations, and can be contacted if you wish to make a request or complaint about your personal data. The privacy notice also explains about your rights to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If anyone’s personal data is likely to be significantly involved or affected when we develop new systems or introduce new technology, we will carry out a data protection impact assessment to ensure that privacy issues are addressed.

Your consent – we have made some changes to our data collection and [any other forms which have been revised] to bring them in line with the new law. This means that we may have to ask you to consent to things again. But once you have given consent it will last for the child's entire time at St Andrew’s Benn C of E Primary School, unless we change any of the systems.

If you would like any more information about GDPR, you can visit the Information Commissioner’s website and in particular the Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation webpage. You may also speak to our ‘GDPR Champions’ Mrs A Gurney or Miss A Huggins.

Privacy Notice

Please find below privacy notices. We consider these privacy notices to be working documents and fully expect to make revisions to it.

CCTV Policy

Please note that all the school grounds and entrance is monitored by CCTV 24 hours a day for the purposes of crime detection and safeguarding.

St Andrew’s Benn C of E Primary School reserves the right for the Senior Leadership Team, Site Manager, office employees and the police to review footage as required and by entering onto our site you consent to your image being recorded and reviewed and waive any and all claims in relation to same.

Recorded CCTV footage will be stored securely and retained in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2008. St Andrew’s Benn C of E Primary School is registered as a Data Controller with the ICO.

Please contact the school office to request access to information regarding the CCTV.